Rent your lodgings
A full student’s life that doesn’t cost the world.
Everything included for CHF 980 to 1100 per month
The monthly rent is CHF 980 for the standard rooms and CHF 1100 for the extra spacious and wheelchair-accessible room.
The rent includes:
your personal room, furnished
- Private shower, WC and washbasin
- Built-in bed with mattress (1.20 x 2.00 metres)
- Desk, chair, shelves
- Cupboards, shelves and niches for clothes, books etc.
- Own fridge in the room
- Curtains for the floor-to-ceiling windows
- Lighting on the ceiling and in the room furniture
Common room
- Private storage cupboard in the common room
- Personal, lockable cupboard in the basement
- Fully equipped kitchen with dishwasher, oven, hob, microwave etc.
- Dining table, TV, lounge
- 2 terraces with seating
- Laundry room on the ground floor with 3 washing machines and 3 tumble dryers
Utilities, surroundings, cleaning
- WiFi access throughout the house and in all the rooms
- Bike parking spaces in front of the building
- Parking spaces in the car park can be rented additionally (if free spaces are available)
- Regular cleaning service of common rooms
All you need to do yourself is
- the cleaning of your own room, the washing up and the waste disposal ;-)
Terms and details
For a viewing you can contact Claudia: or Tel: +41 52 244 06 44. Viewings are only possible if rooms are available or become available.
You are allowed to invite visitors to your room, provided they don’t stay permanently. No holiday guests or people staying on the premises for several days are allowed in the Loge21 house.
Please provide us with the following documents:
- Fully completed and signed application form
- Up-to-date enrolment confirmation of your college or university
- Copy of ID card or passport, foreigners ID card if applicable
- Copy of liability insurance (coverage of tenant damage is compulsory)
- Up-to-date debt collection statement
- Signed rental contract two copies (in paper form)
- Signed form for the opening of the deposit account (in paper form)
Please send these documents
by email to:
by post to: p-vision ag, Claudia Steiner, Frauenfelderstrasse 71, 8404 Winterthur
The final cleaning flat rate is CHF 100.-. You will be asked to pay it in advance together with the first rent. You won’t be allowed to do the final cleaning yourself, even if you are a proficient cleaner.
Every tenant must present a valid personal liability insurance, including coverage of tenants’ damages. Please attach a copy of the insurance policy to the rental agreement.
Tenants will be liable for any damages or loss of furniture or material that are caused by themselves or their visitors.
Pets are not allowed, even if they are small and cute (e. g. mice) or very quiet (e. g. fish).
Tenants are responsible for washing the dishes, cleaning the kitchen after use and washing the dishtowels. The kitchen implements are available for all tenants and must be handled with the appropriate care. A personal kitchen storage cupboard is provided to every tenant. And of course there is a fridge too.
In compliance with the statutory deadlines, please give your notice by sending a registered letter to:
JFL Immobilien AG
c/o p-vision AG
Frauenfelderstrasse 71
8404 Winterthur
The rental agreement may be terminated by either party with a three-month notice to the end of a month, except to December 31.
For instance, if you send us your notice by registered letter on August 25, your rental agreement will run until November 30.
The Loge21 house is intended for students only. You can only sign a rental agreement by presenting a valid enrolment confirmation.
The rental period is unlimited as long as you are studying. After cancelling your enrolment, you may continue to rent your room for 2 more months at most. This means that you need to give notice no later than in the second-to-last month of your studies.
You will need to pay CHF 2’000.- to a blocked account upon signing the agreement. The security deposit will be returned to you when the rental agreement is terminated, if everything is in order.
Room furnishings include: a bed with a 1.2 m mattress, lighting/lamps, a working space with storage and writing surface, an office chair, a built-in shelf with several storage compartments, a cork wall with coat pegs. Please bring your own pillow, duvet, bedlinen and towels.
You are allowed to play an instrument in your room and the house if other tenants can hardly hear the music or not at all, or are not disturbed by it.
There are car parking spaces available in the neighbourhood (blue zone). You can apply for a parking card with the city of Winterthur. More information can be found here. Parking spaces in the underground car park of the building can be rented subject to availability. Please contact us if you are interested.
Parties are not allowed.
We value hygiene and cleanliness. This is why the common rooms, sanitary installations and the staircase are being cleaned by professionals on a regular basis. However, you are responsible for cleaning your own room.
Statutory quiet times are from noon to 1 pm and from 10 pm to 7 am. Sundays and public holidays are also considered quiet times and are applicable inside and outside the house, as well as on the terrace.
A report will be established at handover of your room. As a tenant, you will be liable for any damages or material losses. If everything is in order, your security deposit will be returned to you.
Subletting your room is prohibited. However, some exceptions, such as students planning to spend a semester abroad, but wanting to keep their room, will be decided on a case-by-case basis.
Thera are three washing towers, including a washer and a dryer. These can be freely used by all tenants during daytime between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.